18 July 2017

The Cooperativa Agrícola de Cambrils fulfilling the payment proposal approved

After SALVAT ADVOCATS intervention in the financing agreement of the Cooperativa de Cambrils, the Cooperative continues to comply with the payment proposal adopted.

The last 26th of April 2017, the payment corresponding to 2017 annuity was made.

Source: Diari de Tarragona

18 July 2017

Defense of rights of former managers of INNOVA.

Salvat Advocats intervention before the Court of Auditors in Madrid.

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18 July 2017

Insolvency administration of Golf Aigüesverds

The price of the production unit was determined for an amount of 2.100.000 euros.

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05 October 2020

La deducibilidad en el Impuesto sobre Sociedades de la retribución de los administradores de sociedades mercantiles

Salvat Advocats analiza la reciente resolución del Tribunal Económico-Administrativo Central de fecha 17 de julio de 2020.

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